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Mobilegeddon can devastate your online business. But Mason Communications is here to help. Now in our 24th year of business, we are pleased to make you this one-time offer:

Remedy your Mobilegeddon problem at the one-time only low price of 75% off*  All content in your current site will be rolled over to a new, mobile-compliant website built on industry-standard databases.


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How to Get YOUR NEW SITE and beat Mobilegeddon: 


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Please note: This Rollover promotion is for websites with 50 pages of content or less. Some restrictions apply.



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* Price of $2,450 is for content-only rollover, up to 50 pages of content. Forms, photo galleries, Calendar modules and other specialized program not included; bid separately. Styling customization is not available with this pricing - you select a style option as is, and your website content is then rolled over.  This specially-priced package requires a 24-month web hosting services contract from Mason Communications that includes hosting, backups, and security updates.